Get your best business, purpose, & marriage.

[For men who own businesses with $2M-$10M in revenue.]

Get your best business, purpose, & marriage.

For men who own businesses with $2M-$10M in revenue.

You have a business 

& family? 

Be elite & happy at both

Without worrying 'Is this it?', being spread thin, failing your spouse & kids, or wasting years on avoidable mistakes (biz & personal). 

I help guys like this...

Owner | Climate Tech | Jonny Everett

Jeff is a life force in the truest sense and he breaks through walls to a whole other level of truth. As an entrepreneur we focus so much on tactics and tricks. But mentality is the game changer across everything else. And Jeff is the cheat code for that.

Owner | Health | Craig Collins

Jeff is a man of integrity that asks questions that most people don't think of asking, or are afraid to ask. He's one of the smartest and hardest working people I know, and at the end of the day, everything he does is for his family.

Owner | Real Estate | Rob Harwood

When I met Jeff I was at the "end" of myself. My relationship with my wife was in a rough place… I was unhappy with where I was in life, with who I had become and I had no idea how to remedy any of it. Jeff helped me flip everything. If you are struggling, talk to Jeff.

Owner | Turf Industry | Toby Holles

Working with Jeff has literally changed the trajectory of my business. Jeff seems to hear answers even when it is obvious that I am struggling to find the right words. He has been in the “entrepreneurial trenches.” He gets it.

Owner | Solar | Wayne Pearson

As a business owner, it can be very difficult to remove yourself from your biases. Jeff has an uncanny ability to step back from any given situation and ask the questions you need to be asking. And because he is a brilliant entrepreneur in his own right, he adds invaluable perspective to any business discussion. 

Owner | SaaS & Dev | Geordie Wardman

I have had a number of successful businesses, all of which have benefitted from Jeff's wise insights. I admire the way he runs his entire life and we should all be so lucky to approach life in the way that Jeff does. He's my go to source for coaching advice.

Owner | Design | Ian Ingram

Not long ago, I was lost and jaded in my business and I couldn’t find a way to the success I wanted. But in short order, Jeff guided me to multiple realizations that opened up opportunities I couldn’t see before. The difference is night and day. Jeff is the single most qualified person for this avenue of service.

I help guys like this...

Owner | Climate Tech | Jonny Everett

Jeff is a life force in the truest sense and he breaks through walls to a whole other level of truth. As an entrepreneur we focus so much on tactics and tricks. But mentality is the game changer across everything else. And Jeff is the cheat code for that.

Owner | Health | Craig Collins

Jeff is a man of integrity that asks questions that most people don't think of asking, or are afraid to ask. He's one of the smartest and hardest working people I know, and at the end of the day, everything he does is for his family.

Owner | Real Estate | Rob Harwood

When I met Jeff I was at the "end" of myself. My relationship with my wife was in a rough place… I was unhappy with where I was in life, with who I had become and I had no idea how to remedy any of it. Jeff helped me flip everything. If you are struggling, talk to Jeff.

Owner | Turf Industry| Toby Holles

Working with Jeff has literally changed the trajectory of my business. Jeff seems to hear answers even when it is obvious that I am struggling to find the right words. He has been in the “entrepreneurial trenches.” He gets it.

Owner | Solar | Wayne Pearson

As a business owner, it can be very difficult to remove yourself from your biases. Jeff has an uncanny ability to step back from any given situation and ask the questions you need to be asking. And because he is a brilliant entrepreneur in his own right, he adds invaluable perspective to any business discussion. 

Owner | SaaS & Dev | Geordie Wardman

I have had a number of successful businesses, all of which have benefitted from Jeff's wise insights. I admire the way he runs his entire life and we should all be so lucky to approach life in the way that Jeff does. He's my go to source for coaching advice.

Owner | Design | Ian Ingram

Not long ago, I was lost and jaded in my business and I couldn’t find a way to the success I wanted. But in short order, Jeff guided me to multiple realizations that opened up opportunities I couldn’t see before. The difference is night and day. Jeff is the single most qualified person for this avenue of service.

Hi, I'm Jeff. Here's why I could help you.

I am a coach to business owner men, a multi-time successful founder, with a happy marriage (20+ years), and 3 gifts of sons (ages 12-17) that like to hang out with me. 

Founded Multiple Businesses

I’ve owned: Mobile Healthcare, Pay For Performance Agency, Professionally Managed Live Chat, Healthcare Consulting & Luxury Real Estate, while consulting on many more.

Traveled For Years(w/family)

I designed 2 of those to run almost on autopilot which gave me lifestyle and income freedom to travel with my family around the world for years (yes years) at a time.

Scaled To $200M

Like super fast scaling? I’ve co-founded a company that grew in 12 months to reach 100+ employees and countrywide market penetration, while getting pursued with 200M+ valuations.

Experienced Big Fails

But, I’ve seen the dark side at times along the way… massive losses, bankruptcy, burned out, zombie Dad, sobbing big tears, feeling like a failure to my family - even after (& during) success.

Coach Business Owner Men

I've had the privilege to coach business owner men through breakthroughs in marriages, shifts in their businesses, escaping self judgement, dropping self hatred, feeling consistent happiness again, finding purpose, escaping chaos, and more.

Q&A Session Solves The Mystery

I can likely relate to where you are and can help in ways you might not realize. But a quick conversation will solve the mystery :)

Hi, I'm Jeff. Here's why I could help you.

I am a coach to business owner men, a multi-time successful founder, with a happy marriage (20+ years), and 3 gifts of sons (ages 12-17) that like to hang out with me. 

Founded Multiple Businesses

I’ve owned: Mobile Healthcare, Pay For Performance Agency, Professionally Managed Live Chat, Healthcare Consulting & Luxury Real Estate, while consulting on many more.

Traveled For Years(w/family)

I designed 2 of those to run almost on autopilot which gave me lifestyle and income freedom to travel with my family around the world for years (yes years) at a time.

Scaled To $200M

Like super fast scaling? I’ve co-founded a company that grew in 12 months to reach 100+ employees and countrywide market penetration, while getting pursued with 200M+ valuations.

Experienced Big Fails

But, I’ve seen the dark side at times along the way… massive losses, bankruptcy, burned out, zombie Dad, sobbing big tears, feeling like a failure to my family - even after (& during) success.

Coach Business Owner Men

I've had the privilege to coach business owner men through breakthroughs in marriages, shifts in their businesses, escaping self judgement, dropping self hatred, feeling consistent happiness again, finding purpose, escaping chaos, and more.

Q&A Session Solves The Mystery

I can likely relate to where you are and can help in ways you might not realize. But a quick conversation will solve the mystery :)

Interested in discussing this offer?

Here's how to get started:

5 Min Video

First, watch the 5 minute video walk through of the coaching offer above.

Q&A Call

If that sounds good, book a Q&A call to see if we are a fit for each other. FYI, it's not a pitch.

We'll Go Get It

Through bespoke 1:1 coaching we'll work together to create powerfully in your life.

Interested in discussing the offer?

Here's how to get started:

5 Min Video

First, watch the 5 minute video walk through of the coaching offer above.

Q&A Call

If that sounds good, book a Q&A call to see if we are a fit for each other. FYI, it's not a pitch.

We'll Go Get It

Through bespoke 1:1 coaching we'll work together to create powerfully in your life.

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